Instant Sales Quotes

Instant Sales Quotes

  • Create fresh quotes with estimates or choose one from the template list and customize them.
  • Pull up the prospect information from CRM and auto-populate the company information on the quote template. Free of copy-and-paste errors.
  • End-to-end capture of the quote lifecycle—from creating & sending a quote up to placing an order for the prospect.
  • Create one or more quotes for a single sales opportunity.
Speedier Sales

Enables Speedier Sales

  • Get rid of spreadsheets, PDFs, or long-worded emails. Generate quotes in minutes, send them, and get ready to hear from your prospects.
  • No more back-and-forth conversation is required with clients. Put everything on a quote and fasten up the deal to close.
  • Built-in electronic signature provision allows prospect/signers to e-sign the quotation and sends back the document without having to print them.
  • Set custom actions for the prospect to act—accept, sign, etc.
Customizable Quotes

Customizable Quotes

  • Choose how you want the quote to look like—features, sub-features, add-ons, etc.
  • Configure variable pricing, thus allowing the prospect to identify the desired level of service and determine the price.
  • Get instant notification when your prospect signs in the quote or when they still need to act on the quotation sent.

Build and generate quotes in a shorter turnaround time

A custom quote that personifies your brand. You can work on a different format and structure and incorporate unique pricing models.

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Quotation Software For Distributors

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